Festivals are fun!

On one hand, festivals often leave us with some of our favorite memories and experiences. But, they can also be a long and grueling few days. After attending my fair share of festivals, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks that will help you have the best possible festival experience.

Tip #1: Stay Hydrated

I can’t stress this enough: Remember to drink lots of water! Festival days can be long, especially when you spend 10-12 hours on your feet, dancing ‘til your heart’s content. As a result, you’re sweating in the heat and losing valuable electrolytes. So always remember to hydrate throughout the day and night. Consider investing in a refillable bottle or canteen that you can keep with you — I promise, it’ll be worth its weight in gold.

Tip #2: Designate a Meet-Up Point

Festivals are big and there are large crowds of people everywhere. You’re bound to lose your friend from sight at some point, or have to deal with someone in your group wandering off (if they’re a wanderer like I am). Festivals are also notorious for not having very good cell phone coverage since there are so many people competing for reception. For these reasons, it’s a great idea to remember to pick a meet-up point in advance! Usually, my friends and I try to pick something that’s visible from far away, like a large art sculpture. Then we stand by it whenever we lose a friend in our group. That way, it’s always easy to find the designated meet-up point in the bustle of the crow and reconnect easily with your group.

Tip #3: Wear Comfy Shoes

Fashion is a very integral part of any festival experience. Oftentimes, people put their best foot (or footwear) forward — literally. It may be the only time some of us can let our fashionista souls shine! However, standing around for 10-12 hours in those cute booties or heels you got just for the festival is simply not practical. Instead, I recommend wearing something you’re more comfortable in, such as sneakers. That way, you can really go all out and dance ‘til you drop instead of leaving the festival barefoot with your blistered, sore feet and your “cute” shoes tucked under your arm.

Tip #4: Send Texts with Timestamps

Discovering your cell phone gets a spotty signal is something you can expect at most festivals. So if you are texting your friends, get in the habit of adding a timestamp to each text. For example: “We’re at the meet-up spot. 12:45.” That way, whenever the text finally goes through, your friends can see how long ago the text was actually sent and know whether you’re likely still at the meet-up point or not. Anything to make it easier to find and keep tabs on your buddies is a good idea.

Tip #5: Invest in Batteries

We all want to capture that magic moment on our phone or camera — whether you intend to share it with the world or you just want some photos and videos as keepsakes to remember what an awesome time you had. Regardless, all those cute photos and videos you take are definitely going to drain your battery, fast. Not to mention, if you’re constantly checking set times or texting your friends to track down their location, your battery will get zapped even quicker. Since you want to be sure your battery will last the whole day, it’s a great idea to bring a small external battery to the festival. You can connect the battery to recharge your phone (or camera) throughout the day. Another easy trick I’ve learned is to simply put your phone on “airplane mode” when you’re not using it — that way it doesn’t waste unnecessary energy trying to find cell phone coverage, run background apps or refresh. With an external battery by your side, you’ll be sure you never miss the perfect shot.

C  O  N  C  L  U  S  I  O  N

Armed with these tips and tricks, you’re ready to go off and have the festival experience of a lifetime!


> > > Live well!